Support Us
Thanks to the generous donations from corporations and the public, we have ceaselessly expanded and improved our services over the years. Your continued support and recognition will allow us to help more people in need.
You can support CFSC by the methods below:
One-off Donation

Your generous support helps us to extend our service and serve people in need.
Monthly Donation

A stable source of donations enables us to expand our services and benefit people with different needs. Please support our work by joining our monthly donation scheme.
Donations in Lieu of Gifts

Would you like to make your celebration more meaningful by sharing the happiness? Maximise the joy of a special occasion, be it your birthday, wedding, baby shower, business opening or anniversary, by turning gifts from your loved ones into a loving act of donation. Support our work through donations in lieu of gifts and pass on the love to people in need.
Legacy Giving

Leaving your legacy to CFSC allows us to not only pass on your gift of love to the community, but also sustain and expand essential underfunded services that can improve the livelihoods of those in need.
Kwun Tong Meal Voucher Donation

疫情肆虐三年,社會雖然逐步邁向復常,但經濟仍然疲弱,基層人士的生活仍然苦困。本會推出「有膳觀塘」善餐券籌款計劃,透過送贈$50熱食餐券,讓居住在觀塘區的有需要人士,在本會營辦的社會企業Home Café免費換取熱食飯餐,讓他們得以溫飽,減輕經濟負擔,並暫且放下生活重擔。