Beat the Heat Project Volunteer Recruitment by CFSC Active Aging Services
最近天氣開始回暖,CFSC 「熱島。熱不倒」社區抗熱計劃已經立即做好準備,在炎夏天氣到來前,我們現誠邀社區人士成為「天時暑熱關注組」的義工,透過培訓及與社工共同工作,一起主動搜尋地區有需要的長者,向他們講解有關預防暑熱的知識,以電話及家訪形式關心他們的健康情況,保護他們免受暑熱影響健康!
Active Ageing Services
Life after 50 is not a destination, but the second journey of life. Why not celebrate the second half of life with new adventures? We set out to explore the endless possibilities of life with people in their 50s and work with different parts of the community to build a flourishing life in the Third Age.
Turning 50 is a milestone that leads up to the second half of life. Active Ageing Services allow people in their 50s to live a flourishing life by providing them with a variety of new services, a platform designed for life planning, lifelong learning opportunities and the means to self-manage their health. We will also partner with different stakeholders to explore new opportunities for them and urge the government, the business sector and the community to join hands in building an age-friendly city.
最近天氣開始回暖,CFSC 「熱島。熱不倒」社區抗熱計劃已經立即做好準備,在炎夏天氣到來前,我們現誠邀社區人士成為「天時暑熱關注組」的義工,透過培訓及與社工共同工作,一起主動搜尋地區有需要的長者,向他們講解有關預防暑熱的知識,以電話及家訪形式關心他們的健康情況,保護他們免受暑熱影響健康!
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