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Livable City

Environmental Protection & Green Living

Our visions

Natural resources and the ecological environment must be protected to save our precious Earth. We encourage the public to reduce pollution and waste, while working closely with different social groups and sectors to build a sustainable future.


Our services

We integrate green practices into the everyday life to raise public awareness on environmental protection and call for actions to reduce municipal solid waste, promote green community and increase the livability of our city.


Event Highlights

由香港賽馬會贊助,CFSC主辦的沙田第一城「沙田綠 Fun Fun」社區綠惜市集圓滿結束。 大會很榮幸邀請到環境保護署有機廢物設施項目發展經理鄧建輝先生、香港賽馬會對外事務副總經理鄧建明先生、沙田第一城委員會主席李健瑋先生、富城集團可持續發展委員會主席黃倩兒小姐、以及沙田區議員姚嘉俊先生 MH、沙田區議員朱煥釗先生及沙田區議員林小文女士擔任主禮嘉賓,並由本會助理總幹事賴君豪先生陪同一起主持啟動禮,隨後一眾主禮嘉賽更與環保園商戶、活動協辦機構、支持單位代表參與「社區互動」環節,鼓勵大家共同協作及努力,一起締造可持續發展城市,將美好環境延續予下一代。



Latest services

Services units affiliated to Environmental Protection & Green Living: