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Mental Health Services

Our visions

Embrace your emotions and give your afflicted spirit a consoling hug. We keep emotionally distressed people company to help them live a wholesome and hopeful life and build a mentally healthy city.


Our services

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression will be the second most significant health condition after heart disease in the world by 2020. Driven by the evolving needs of emotionally distressed people at different stages of life, we strive to facilitate their recovery by leveraging their personal strengths, combined with family support and community resources. We also engage in cross-sector collaborations to help patients develop an optimist and healthy lifestyle and enhance public understanding of mental health through education and awareness campaigns.

To address the growing prevalence of emotional distress in children and adolescents, we adopt early identification and intervention to advocate a caring culture at schools and empower students in embracing adversities with a positive outlook on life.

Event Highlights




SEN Carer Training Course x Children Community Activities (Easter Holiday)

全方位照顧者技巧培訓課程 ( 第二期 ) × 兒童社交活動 ( 復活節 ) CFSC 擁抱心靈行動計劃—SEN照顧者支援計劃將在4月初舉辦 「全方位照顧者技巧培訓課程(第二期) 活動」希望讓家長及小孩在兩個不同空間,但同一時間進行活動,共同學習。 課程將由社工、心理學家、音樂治療師和香薰治療師共同指導,透過五堂課程幫助參與者更好地了解如何與孩子有效溝通,減少親子教養方面的衝突,提升自我察覺。而小朋友將會在另一個房間參加社交活動,如團隊建立遊戲、成長活動 和 藝術創作等。( 備注:家長需與小朋友一同出席活動。)



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