Service Contents:
  1. Domestic training programmes;
  2. Independent living skills and community living skills training;
  3. Individual and group counseling;
  4. Leisure activities; and
  5. Family activities or lectures

Target Group:
People with disabilities who are:
  1. aged 15 or above;
  2. capable of semi-independent living i.e. mastery of self-care skills but may need a fair amount of guidance/assistance in some domestic tasks like cooking or washing or in community living activities like shopping;
  3. already engaged in various forms of employment or day training; and
  4. physically and mentally suitable for group living.
Application Procedures:
Referrals can be made by social workers and staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department.
Fees and Charges:
According to Social Welfare Department provision