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Primary Health Care Services

Our visions

By advocating healthy lifestyles, we encourage everyone to be the master of their own health, as well as bringing the community together for promoting whole-person wellness and building a healthier Hong Kong.


Our services

A healthy lifestyle is the key to mental and physical well-being. We roll out various initiatives to encourage the public to adopt a healthy lifestyle and take charge of their own health. We provide one-stop multi-disciplinary primary care services to give the public access to convenient and quality medical care in disease prevention, treatment and disease management outside of the public healthcare system. We also actively work with different stakeholders to build a healthy city.


Event Highlights

Free online seminar on Managing menopause symptoms with Traditional Chinese Medicine

女士們面對更年期,有機會出現生理及心理上的轉變,因此需要在日常生活中多加關注,以保持身心健康。有見及此,由CFSC聯同香港中文大學賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院合辦,獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助的「賽馬會We WATCH 優活健康計劃」將於2024年5月8日(三)下午舉辦免費網上活動「輕鬆笑迎更年期」,由註冊中醫師講解在中醫層面,如何讓女士有效地舒緩更年期綜合症。



50+ Walk Leader Recruitment

由CFSC的基層醫療健康服務主辦、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助的「賽馬會老友運動計劃 – 全城步賞· 行住FUN 」,以「步⾏⾥數」奬賞計劃,⿎勵⻑者以步行開始他們的運動習慣。現誠邀各位50+人士參與成為「健步領袖」,接受培訓後帶領各區長者進行健步行運動,一起探索社區。歡迎有興趣人士報名。



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